Monday, October 5, 2009


So many Questions running through my head.
Not enought space to cram one more in and yet I manage to do just that X 10.
Questions about School.
Questions about the Future.
Questions about the Present.
Questions like "How?" "What?" "Why?".
And one more ... "When will this all become clear enough to know the answer?"

I have this feeling that it's all right before me, or at least the answers to the questions that need to be answered right now, even if they aren't the one's I want answered.

I hope it's not all right in front of me. If it is I will feel real dumb for being so blind, and disappointed that this is all there is. I don't believe this is all there is. I have a Lot more ahead of me, and some of it is a bit scary right now.

So as I feel I have said before, One day at a time. The answers will come when they are needed and least expected.

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