Monday, August 1, 2011

All Over Again

You would think after four years, especially last year, this would be
Easy, OK, Nervousnessless, (yes I just made that up),
but some how it's not.

it's not Easy because it means another nine months away from my people (lol cheesy I know)
it's not OK because it means starting over again, in a smaller way but still over again,
and it's not Nervousnessless because I still hate talking to "strangers" on the phone, even if we will be living together for the next nine months; it's the same school but a lot of the people I knew graduated; and I won't be with the nursing family I started with, I get a new one of those too.

But you know, we have this reoccurring theme, you and I, don't we, lol.

Comfort zones.

I make them, I set my boundaries, and I usually don't cross them because I want too.
You Love making me step out and do those things on the other side of my "Safe" bubble.
My Bubble, like my world, is always small.

One thing I always seems to be relearning is, Trust.
Trust that you won't drop me,
Trust that you won't make me do something I'm not strong enough for,
Trust that you will provide,
Trust that You are always with me holding me in a new, better, Safer place then where I was on my own.

I'm sorry I'm so stubborn and can't learn the first time, and am always needing reminders.

Maybe this year it will stick.
I sure want it to.