Tuesday, August 25, 2009


When you talk to me, even just a few words, it takes me by surprise
and takes my breath away,

My knots have slowly but surely subsided, they are tempted to come back,
but for now are safely out of reach

I want to know more of you, I know a little, but I want More.
that is hard, because I become shy and hide
or loud and stupid, or just, not Me.

I don't want that to be me anymore, I want the real me to shine.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's Exhausting

Trying to be independent

But you won't let me

Everytime I let go and am ready to jump, you grab on tight

I haven't found the balance yet

I've felt like I've been close, but then it slips, and I feel like falling.

It's exhausting

I know it can be done

People everywhere have found it

So with Time, Pateince, Prayer, and Love

We shall find it too.

Monday, August 17, 2009


you keep talking,

without changing your tone.

it's not high, or mean, or intense,

it's average, but it stays that way,

there's no excitement, or disappointment, there's almost no feeling at all.

that's only when you teach.

it's only the first day,

Lord give me strength, and patience, and understanding.

AH Yuck

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Better Day

Feeling low is not much fun.
I should know, I've felt low many times.

Last night was the first in awhile, though.
It didn't last for long, once I gave it up to Him.

And today was a much better day.
Because of my heavenly Daddy.

He made my day special.
With a song in my heart waking up, play time at work, cookie baking, and best of all

The return of a best friend, and brother!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

One small word

hmmm ...

saying it has never been easy

and when it has been said the recipient is not who they were thought to be

so it is gone about with caution and very seldom is it actually said

either to avoid ... awkwardness ... or pain.

There is one that it can be said to without hesitancy

and He is glad!

so I shall procede with caution on all fronts but one.

and that one shall grow to be bigger and better then just the small word that is avoided

Monday, August 3, 2009


mMmm Soup!
umm more soup?!


"Where is it? ... oh wait we're here!"


Oh, diamonds! soooo much to know about a little stone.


mMmm chocolate!


Fake mannequins! HAHAHA!!




Giddy/Hyper/Excited/Screaming Happiness

