Friday, July 31, 2009


Here it is now nearly three weeks since the return. And it is still bitter~sweet.

I could feel and see, my Abba almost everywhere, and everyday there.

We touched so many lives, and in return they touched us. They probably don't even know that they did. But I know they did, because they touched me.

All the children were so happy. The thing I will remember about my time in Mexico is our first village trip.

It was the second day. We were playing red light green light.

Shortly after that game, it started to rain. We all ran inside. But once there I thought that we were being silly, it's just rain. So I went right back out and started to spin. I Love rain!

It didn't take long before my friend Katy came out, and started spinning too. And in turn 7 or 8 little girls followed.

We spun, and spun, it seemed like forever. Until finally I was very dizzy. Then we ran inside and collapsed on the floor. The girls surrounded me.

They instantly Loved me, and I them.

I miss their, never ending energy, and joy.

And Love.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Busy Bee

Busy as a Bee.

Bzzzzz ... flying back and forth between work, home, church, school, and eveything in between. Produces a honey, though different from a bees', is still sweet, and sticky.

Sweet, because of the people on the path.

Sticky, because it's hard to get away from.

Sweet and Sticky is good, but could my Honey please become thick so it forces me to slow down and smell the flowers flying past?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It's not always easy to feel.

I feel it most in little things, a baby's smile, a toddler's hug, a beautiful day. A kind smile from a stranger, an encouraging word from a friend, in the clouds, in music.

Your Love is so amazing. I can't get enough!

With out it, I feel lost and cold and lonely.

I want more, and more, and more, and more.

Knowing that you want to give me more, gives me chills.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


That is what I am.